Jul 192014
Singapore is a small country with limited living space, so it’s not surprising that space-saving furniture is a popular choice for many residents. Here are a few of the best places to buy space-saving furniture in Singapore:


Ikea: Ikea is a well-known furniture store that offers a wide range of space-saving furniture, including beds, sofas, and storage solutions. Prices at Ikea tend to be affordable, and the store often has sales and promotions. Some popular space-saving furniture options at Ikea include the “Murphy bed,” which can be folded up and stored against a wall when not in use, and the “Lovas” sofa bed, which can be converted into a bed for overnight guests.


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Expat Living: Expat Living is a furniture store that specializes in furniture for small spaces. The store offers a wide range of space-saving furniture options, including fold-out tables, wall-mounted desks, and compact sofas. Prices at Expat Living tend to be on the higher side, but the store’s furniture is often of high quality and designed to be durable.


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Super Space: Super Space is a furniture store that specializes in space-saving furniture. The store offers a wide range of options, including fold-out beds, wall-mounted desks, and compact storage solutions. Prices at Super Space tend to be affordable, and the store often has sales and promotions.

Qoo10: Qoo10 is an online marketplace that offers a wide range of space-saving furniture options at competitive prices. You can find a variety of products on the site, including fold-out beds, wall-mounted desks, and compact sofas. You can also browse customer reviews to get an idea of the quality of the products you’re considering.

There are many different types of space-saving furniture available in Singapore. Some popular options include:

Fold-out beds: These beds can be folded up and stored against a wall when not in use, saving space in a room.

Wall-mounted desks: These desks are mounted to the wall, freeing up floor space in a room.

Compact sofas: These sofas are designed to be smaller in size, making them a good choice for smaller living spaces.

Fold-out tables: These tables can be folded up and stored against a wall when not in use, saving space in a room.

Compact storage solutions: These solutions include items like under-bed storage bins, wall-mounted shelves, and stackable bins, which help you make the most of the available storage space in your home.

When shopping for space-saving furniture in Singapore, it’s important to consider the size of the space you have available and the specific needs of your home. Consider the amount of storage you need, as well as the number of people who will be using the furniture. It’s also a good idea to think about the overall style of your home and choose furniture that fits in with your decor. Finally, consider the price of the furniture you’re considering. While it’s important to find furniture that fits your budget, keep in mind that higher-quality furniture may be more durable and last longer in the long run.

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